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The Scorpion God
The Scorpion God
Race God
Birthplace Amonkhet
Died Corrupted 4500 AR
Killed 4560 AR

The Scorpion God was one of the three gods who were arrested and distorted by Nicol Bolas to serve his interests during the Hour of Revelation. The original functions and appearances and even the names of these gods have been lost.

History[ | ]

The role of the Scorpion God was to kill the gods. He killed Rhonas, Oketra and Kefnet[1], but was ultimately killed by Hazoret and a group of survivors led by Samut and Djeru, impaling the monster upon an obelisk. Still alive, the monster began to struggle, but was ultimately brought down by Hazoret as she forgave her lost brother.[2]

Inspiration[ | ]

The Scorpion God is inspired by Serket, the Egyptian goddess of medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Hour of Revelation Alison Luhrs 2017-06-07 Hour of Devastation Amonkhet Nicol Bolas, Kefnet, Oketra, Hazoret, Rhonas, Bontu, the Scorpion God, the Scarab God, the Locust God, Djeru, Samut, Razaketh
Hour of Glory Michael Yichao 2017-06-21 Hour of Devastation Amonkhet Rhonas, Oketra, Kefnet, Hazoret, Bontu, the Scorpion God, the Locust God, the Scarab God
The Hour of Promise Alison Luhrs 2017-06-28 Hour of Devastation Amonkhet Hapatra, Khufu, Iput, Kefnet, the Locust God, Tuya, Oketra, Samut, Djeru, Gideon Jura, Liliana Vess, the Scorpion God
Endure Michael Yichao 2017-07-19 Hour of Devastation Amonkhet, Theros Samut, Djeru, Masikah, Nicol Bolas, Hapatra, Neheb, the Gatewatch, Haqikah, Hazoret, the Scorpion God

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
Associated cards:
Depicted in:

References[ | ]

  1. Alison Luhrs (June 28, 2017). "The Hour of Promise". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Michael Yichao (July 19, 2017). "Endure". Wizards of the Coast.