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Third-degree-burn counter
Use “At the beginning of each end step, sacrifice this creature unless you scream ‘Aaah!’ at the top of your lungs.”
Placed on Creatures
Introduced Unhinged
Last used Unhinged
1 counter creation card
{R} 100%
Scryfall search
oracle:"Third-degree-burn counter"

Third-degree-burn counters are a type of acorn counter introduced in Unhinged.

Description[ | ]

Third-degree-burn counters first appeared on Red-Hot Hottie in Unhinged. One is added to any creature the elemental deals damage to. It gains the following: “At the beginning of each end step, sacrifice this creature unless you scream ‘Aaah!’ at the top of your lungs.” This represents the creature getting burned by the elemental.
