MTG Wiki
For the game term indicating danger to a player, see Threat.

Cat (Kaldheim)
Race Cat
Birthplace Bretagard, Kaldheim
Lifetime Mending Era

Threat is a cat from Kaldheim, associated with the location of Jutmaw and the storyteller goddess Birgi.[1]

Description[ | ]

Threat is a large gray cat with a thick, fluffy coat, making her look as formidable as the warriors gathered in the longhall of Jutmaw, in Niko Aris's estimation. Her appearance is robust, befitting the rugged environment of Kaldheim. The cat's fur is dense, and she has an air of self-assuredness. She is playful and curious, as shown by her interaction with Niko's magical mirrors. Threat is also known to purr and display affection, such as curling her lip back to nuzzle one fang against Niko's finger. Despite her tough exterior, Threat enjoys playing and engaging with people.[1]

History[ | ]

During a gathering in the longhall of Jutmaw, where warriors and sailors were betting, eating, and listening to stories, Niko Aris noticed Threat under the tables. Niko entertained the cat by conjuring small, reflective mirrors and tossing them for Threat to chase and pounce on. Threat played along, pouncing on the mirrors and showing curiosity and playfulness. At one point, Threat took one of Niko's mirrors in her teeth and ran under a less occupied table to enjoy her new "prey." However, when Niko's magic called the mirror back, causing it to shatter and disappear, Threat looked betrayed, glancing from the bare ground to Niko.

Later, when the storyteller god Birgi joined Niko and Kjell, she called out to Threat, who came mewing to her, indicating that Threat might be familiar with the storyteller, although Birgi says Threat belonged to the longhall itself. Birgi affectionately stroked the cat, reinforcing Threat's role as a communal pet of the Jutmaw longhall or possibly of one of its ships. Threat was somewhat revered in Jutmaw, suggesting she had a special place among the inhabitants of the longhall.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Know Which Way the Wind is Blowing Setsu Uzumé 2021-01-08 Kaldheim Kaldheim Niko Aris, Kjell, Egil Seventree, Orhaft, Birgi, Thura, Kinkiller, Threat, Rytva, Avtyr, Fynn

References[ | ]

  1. a b c Setsu Uzumé (January 8, 2021). "Know Which Way the Wind Is Blowing". Wizards of the Coast.