MTG Wiki

Thopter Mechanic
A Dominarian mechanic
Race Human
Birthplace Dominaria
Lifetime Mending Era

Tien is Jhoira's chief metalworker on Dominaria.

Description[ | ]

Tien is characterized by her practical attire suited for heavy labor, and her stature, which is short enough that she has to stand on tiptoe to see certain things. She was seen covered in grease and remnants of sea-bottom mud from her hands-on involvement in the restoration work of the Weatherlight.

Tien is practical, skilled, and observant. She is engaged and interested in the intricate details of the team's work, often making insightful comments. She demonstrates a readiness to work collaboratively and shows respect for others' knowledge and skills. Tien is also caring and attentive, as seen when she notices subtle changes in Arvad's condition.

History[ | ]

Tien was instrumental in the restoration of the Weatherlight, working diligently to clean and prepare the Thran metal supports for the new hull. She contributed significantly to the team's progress, ensuring that the complex metalwork and mechanical systems were addressed. When Arvad, the vampire, arrived, Tien played a key role in observing and confirming his gradual transformation under the Powerstone's influence. Her attention to detail and knowledge were crucial in diagnosing and addressing mechanical issues of the Weatherlight, furthering the team's mission to revive the legendary skyship.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Return to Dominaria: Episode 3 Martha Wells 2018-03-28 Dominaria Dominaria Jhoira, Ziva, Tiana, Hadi, Tien, Shanna Sisay, Belzenlok, Danitha Capashen, Raff Capashen, Arvad, Ajani
Return to Dominaria: Episode 4 Martha Wells 2018-04-04 Dominaria Dominaria Tiana, Lyra Dawnbringer, Arvad, Afra, Tien, Hadi, Farim, Mari
Return to Dominaria: Episode 5 Martha Wells 2018-04-11 Dominaria Dominaria Ajani, Jhoira, Hadi, Tien, Gideon, Liliana, Lyra Dawnbringer, Rael, Thiago, Shanna Sisay, Raff Capashen, Tiana, Arvad, Jodah, Naban, Thom, Arongi