MTG Wiki

This is a timeline of the Magic: The Gathering storyline. It is an unofficial document, but all information on it is taken from official canon sources (see: list of storyline sources). All stories that could be dated, or couldn't be dated but could be placed at some point in the timeline because of their connection to other stories, have been incorporated to the fullest possible extent. Note that this timeline is not completely accurate, and some events have an estimated date or a date range in which they could have occurred.

Dating systems[ | ]

Main article: Dating systems

The infinite planes of the multiverse do not necessarily carry the same lengths of day, month, or year. However, years seem to pass between planes concurrently within the storyline, so a Ravnican year can be presumed to be the same length as a Dominarian year. See the notes section below the timeline for additional details.

Cridhe[ | ]

In Cridhe the years are given as they relate to the Parting. The only other known date is that of the Mending of the Clan Tree, in 520.[1]

Dominaria[ | ]

The dates on this timeline are in AR: Argivian Reckoning, with year 0 starting with the birth of Urza. Other known reckonings are Penregon Founded, beginning with the founding of the city Penregon in -912 AR, and the Reckoning of the Sages of Minorad, starting with the gathering in 3000 AR of said sages. A Dominarian year is 420 days long and divided into twelve 35-day months.[2]

Most pre-revision dates were given in the Minorad reckoning, but many can't possibly be true or have been proven untrue, in post-revisionist continuity. Minorad reckoning is only incorporated in the timeline and translated to AR if it remains true in the current continuity.

New Sumifans established another dating system in Almaaz. Its Common Era (CE) starts around 3035 AR (Date of 3000 BCE (Before Common Era) corresponds to times of Brothers, soon after Almaaz joined to Mishra's forces).[3]

Innistrad[ | ]

Dates on Innistrad are measured using the stages of the moon and the years of Avacyn, commonly shortened to "Ava." As the year Ava. 1 is centuries later than Avacyn's creation, it may relate to the creation of her church or another important date in Innistrad's history. There are three seasons on Innistrad: Harvest Moon (autumn), Hunter's Moon (winter), and New Moon (spring). It is unclear exactly how long a season or a year on Innistrad lasts, although Hunter's Moon is said to be the longest and New Moon the shortest.[4] The latest dates known for each season are the 118th of Harvest Moon in the years of Avacyn 699 and 711, the 121st of Hunter's Moon, Ava. 718, and the 116th of the New Moon, Ava. 714, meaning an Innistradi year could last at least 355 days.[5]

Ixalan[ | ]

Years in the Legion of Dusk are marked by their distance from the Legion's arrival on the continent of Ixalan, with years beforehand labeled "Before Dawn" (BD) and years after labeled "Dawn Era."[6]

Ravnica[ | ]

Ravnica works with AC and ZC, which stand for "Al Concordant" and "Zal Concordant", meaning "Before the Agreement" and "After the Agreement" in Old Ravi, respectively. The agreement, in this case, is the signing of the Guildpact. The D&D Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica establishes the Ravnican date of the Return to Ravnica block as 10,075 ZC, which took place in 4558 AR. By this reckoning, the year 0 ZC began during the year -5517 AR (assuming there is both a year 0 AR and a year 0 ZC).[7][8] A Ravnican year is 365 days, each of its twelve months matching up in length with their Gregorian calendar counterpart.[9]

Theros[ | ]

The Meletian calendar is irregular, with most years being 354 days. About every three years a thirteenth month of 30 days is added for 384 days to account for the misaligned solar year. Months on Theros alternate between 30 and 29 days.[10]

Timeline[ | ]

Pre-History (before -20,000 AR)[ | ]


Mythohistory (-20,000 AR to -15,000 AR)[8][12][13][ | ]

The Time of Dragons[ | ]

c. -20,000

c. -19,950[17]

Between c. -19,000 and -17,000[18]

c. -17,000

c. -16,000

c. -15,000

-12,208 AR (6691 AC)

Time of the Thran (Up to c. -5000 AR)[13][12][24][ | ]

c. -6740 AR

-5564 AR (47 AC)

-5517 AR (0 ZC)

  • Signing of the Guildpact - the Guildpact is created on the plane of Ravnica after a long war led by the opposing Cisarzim and Razia. Ravnican guilds divide duties across nine guilds for the betterment of the plane as a whole. Ravnica begins its long evolution into a predominantly urban plane.[26][8]

-5419 AR (98 ZC)

-5117 AR (400 ZC)

Before -5000

c. -5000

For more detail, see The Thran timeline.

Time of Legends (-5000 AR to 0 AR)[13][8][ | ]

c. -2440[30]

c. -2438

  • Humanoids emerge on Arcavios, ending the Dawning Age.[8] Conflicts between these groups begin the Blood Age.

c. -2421

Between -2140 and -840


Between -1840 and -540[34]

Between -1500 and -200[36]

c. -1440

c. -1400[38]

Between -1300 and 28

−912 AR (1 PF)

c. -300

-57 or earlier


The Brothers' War (20 AR to 64 AR)[12][42][ | ]

For more detail, see The Brothers' War timeline.


  • Discovery of Koilos - Urza, Mishra, and Tocasia discover Koilos, in which the portal to Phyrexia is enclosed. The brothers split the powerstone by accident. [40]
  • Brotherhood's End - The conflict between the brothers rises, with Tocasia caught in between. She dies when hit by energy beams from the stones. Mishra flees into the desert and is enslaved by Fallaji nomads. Urza becomes an apprentice clockmaker in Kroog.[40]



  • The Brotherhood of Gix summons a Phyrexian demon through the portal at Koilos. It announces that its name is Gix, and orders the brotherhood to infiltrate both sides of the war.[40]





  • Battle at Argoth- the final battle of the Brothers' War takes place on the island of Argoth. Gix makes all the artifact creatures in both armies go berserk. Mishra is revealed to have been altered by Phyrexian constructs.[40]


Dark Age (64 AR to 450 AR)[42][ | ]


  • The cooling begins.[45]

c. 65


c. 70

  • Annise breaks up with her boyfriend. He steals her magical pendant and goes to duel her boss, Dumoss, but she shows up and distracts him, making him lose the duel.[47]


  • Loran dies of an illness. Feldon tries to resurrect her with different types of magic.[48]

c. 75



c. 80

  • Xantcha's pod is launched onto Dominaria. Before she can be assigned, however, the strangely identical-looking and too-small newts are slaughtered by the plane's inhabitants. As a replacement, a new batch of more individual-looking newts starts being created.[11]

c. 100

c. 130

c. 164

c. 170

c. 180

  • Urza meets the defective Phyrexian newt Xantcha. He thinks she's a human turned Phyrexian and takes her along with him in his crusade against Yawgmoth.[11]


c. 300

c. 380

  • Jarsyl discovers a portal to Phyrexia[58] while living in his tower in Giva Province. He writes about his experiences from the metal plane, before vanishing without a trace.[59]

Before c. 400

  • Taysir comes to Dominaria and falls in love with Kristina of the Woods. They are both trapped when the Shard closes not much later.

c. 400







Ice Age (450 AR to 2934 AR)[13][45][42][ | ]


c. 450

After 450

  • Sima dies. The grief of this event is the latest in a long line of emotional strains for Jodah, who begins to descend into madness. He saves himself by using his mirror to save his memories, wipe his mind clean, and use the memories in the mirror to regain himself, without the emotional attachment. Jodah will repeat this roughly once a century for 2500 years.[60]

c. 470 AR

After c. 600

  • On an unspecified plane within the Shard, Ravidel is apprenticed to Faralyn. Faralyn brings Ravidel to Dominaria, where Ravidel befriends the elder dragon Chromium Rhuell.

c. 650

c. 680

c. 750

c. 880

c. 1050

c. 1300

  • On Dominaria, the city of Sumifa is rebuilt near its old site.[43]

c. 1500

  • Urza and Xantcha head for the ancient world of Equilor. They spend far more than a millennium of years to reach it.[11]

1943 or earlier


2263 or earlier

  • The Night War ends.[6] Aclazotz is imprisoned. The First Exodus period begins.

c. 2434

c. 2500

2563 or earlier

  • The Mycotyrant is born in the caverns of Ixalan.[6] The Core is quarantined and humans travel from the caverns to the plane's surface.

c. 2600

  • The first Ojanen stands up to his creator, Terrent Amese, who in response creates Ur-Drago to exact his revenge. Scarwood is lost to the cat tribes.[67]
  • Centuries later, the elves of Scarwood are driven away by giant apes, who relocate to the hidden city.[67]


c. 2815

c. 2834

  • Barrin learns the Blare of Doom.[68]
  • Arcades Sabboth is forcibly summoned by Leshrac in a duel with Kristina of the Wood. Kristina is forced to kill Arcades.[69]

c. 2900

  • Márton Stromgald's squad is wiped out by a band of goblins, with the soldier Lim-Dûl as the only survivor. Lim-Dûl escapes through a blizzard and stumbles upon Mairsil's ring in a cave outside Tresserhorn. He puts the ring on, and the two entities merge into a unified whole. Shortly afterward, Lim-Dûl-Mairsil takes over Tresserhorn and makes it his base of operations.[60]

c. 2910




The Thaw (2934 AR to 3285 AR)[13][74][ | ]

The Flood Age (2934 AR to 3000 AR)[ | ]


  • War for Shandalar - Faralyn is killed by the planeswalker Kenan Sahrmal. Lim-Dûl, Leshrac, and Tevesh-Szat battle against the plane's defenders, the plane's wild mana, and each other. Leshrac and Szat are eventually defeated, and they flee Shandalar, while Lim-Dûl is left behind. Sahrmal's powers are severely drained.[75]

After 2934

  • Kristina leaves Taysir. Bitter, he takes the vengeful Ravidel as his apprentice. Taysir craves to return to Rabiah but can't because of Nailah's spell. Ravidel pushes Taysir to kill planeswalkers and use their energy to pierce the spell, just like Faralyn did to the Shard during the Summit.
  • Taysir hunts down Leshrac, but cannot bring himself to kill him in cold blood, so he instead imprisons him in Phyrexia. Ravidel leaves Taysir for an unspecified amount of time.


c. 2945


  • Lim-Dûl's War - Lim-Dûl attacks Shandalar with an army of undead. Azar, Sahrmal's apprentice, defeats him but gets trapped with him in one body. Sahrmal hides the body, for its energies keep 'walkers from entering Shandalar.
  • Sahrmal names his second apprentice the Guardian and vanishes from Shandalar.[76]

c. 2950



Before 3000

  • Ravidel, wishing revenge on Leshrac, Tevesh Szat, Kristina, and all other people who once betrayed him, starts a long-term plan on Corondor.
  • Ravidel battles Ash Warlord Embereck over the Golgothian Sylex. A bargain is struck and Ravidel gains control of the sylex.

The "Empty Quarter" (3000 AR to 3285 AR)[ | ]


  • The Gathering of the sages of Minorad. These sages, including Kristina of the Woods, Ash Warlord Embereck, Grenfell Mor of Golthonor, Altair of Coloni, and Liana of Minorad, are visited by Ravidel who threatens them with the Golgothian Sylex. Embereck leaves the council. The others agree to Ravidel's demands: his plans will be left alone, whatever they are.[80]
  • Ravidel banishes Kristina from the White Woods. Grenfell is locked in the sand seas of Golthonor. Altair wanders Corondor for ages. Liana is left under the mind control of Ravidel's spell squire, the Scarlet Vizier. The Vizier talks his way into House Carthalion, hoping that one day a child with the planeswalker's spark will be born in this family of powerful mages and the child will overthrow Ravidel.


c. 3050 (15 CE)


c. 3100


  • Urza and Xantcha arrive on Equilor, hoping to learn the origins of the Phyrexians. Urza learns the nature of the Shard and thinks his crusade to protect his world from Phyrexia has ended. He plans to create an artifact-based paradise on Equilor until the Elders tell him the Shard has fallen and Dominaria is left vulnerable to Phyrexian influence once more. Urza and Xantcha leave Equilor and travel for 100 years to reach Dominaria.[11]

c. 3146 ("many years after" 2946)

  • The Wizards' War - after many years, Lim-Dûl finally drives Azar's soul from his decaying body, and emerges from the grave Kenan Sahrmal had put him in. He finds that Shandalar has powerful defenders now - the Guardian and his five first guildlords. Lim-Dûl nevertheless starts the war, and this time loses soundly. The Black guildlord dies in this war, leaving the guild leaderless. [83]
  • To protect the Great Barrier, the Guardian removes Lim-Dûl's soul from Azar's body and puts it in an artifact - the Chain Veil.
  • Azar's now soulless body reanimates by residual necromantic magic and names itself the lichlord Skavius Slan. It takes over the vacant position as the Black Guild's guildlord.[83]

Before 3179



  • On the night of his daughter's birth, Konda uses Hisoka's research and the soratami's aid to take Kyodai from the spirit realm and lock her into the form of a stone disc that makes Konda immortal. This enrages O-Kagachi, mightiest of kami, and starts the Kami War.[22][8]




  • Kobo is apprenticed to Hidestugu.


  • Michiko Konda sets out to discover her involvement at the beginning of the Kami War. Toshiro Umezawa gets involved in Mochi's plans. Michiko, Toshi, and their companions are captured by the Orochi of the Myojin of Life's Web, who want to kill Michiko to end the war. They escape and Toshi allies himself with the Myojin of Night's Reach to defeat Life's Web.
  • Enraged over the death of his apprentice Kobo at the hands of Choryu, who was taking orders from the wizards of Minamo and the Moonfolk, Hidestugu launches an attack on Minamo Academy and the moonfolk capitol Oboro.
  • O-Kagachi finally manifests in the physical world and demolishes Eiganjo. Toshi brings That Which Was Taken to Minamo to set O-Kagachi against Mochi. The fallen samurai rise as spirits and Konda leads them to reclaim That Which Was Taken.
  • Hidetsugu is sent to the lair of the Oni of All-Consuming Chaos and merges with it. Toshi takes That Which Was Taken from Mochi again and brings it to Michiko, who frees Kyodai from it. The two of them defeat O-Kagachi, Konda, and Mochi, and leave to form the new O-Kagachi.
  • Toshi is taken to Dominaria and blinded by the Myojin of Night's Reach as punishment for indirectly recreating the planar barriers around Kamigawa, denying the Myojin her planeswalking abilities. Toshi survives and starts the Umezawa lineage.
  • Orcs and goblins that survived the ringing of the Apocalypse Chime form a kingdom in the Koskun Mountains.

c. 3234

From 3254 to 3255

c. 3260

c. 3263

c. 3274

  • The Sheoltun Empire begins to collapse after being routed from Terisiare by a flock of Serra Angels that block out the sun.

c. 3276

  • Alesha chooses her war name.[87]

c. 3279


  • Battle between Ugin and Nicol Bolas.[91] Bolas coerces the Dragon broods to attack their progenitor. Ugin falls.[8]
  • Sarkhan encases Ugin in a hedron cocoon.[91] The dragon tempests increase.

c. 3279 or later

c. 3282 or later

  • The rakshasa and naga forsake the Sultai Brood.[92] Tasigur surrenders to Silumgar.
  • Daghatar decides to ally with Dromoka and her brood, forcing the Abzan Houses to give up ancestor worship.[93] The Remembrance is destroyed, and every kin-tree is uprooted.
  • Shu Yun, khan of the Jeskai Way; Alesha, khan of the Mardu; Reyhan, leader of the Abzan holdouts; Yasova, khan of the Temur Frontier; and Tasigur hold a meeting at Dirgur stronghold to discuss the future of their clans.[94] Tasigur betrays the location to the dragonlords. Reyhan is killed by Silumgaar. Shu Yun and the other Ghostfire initiates of the Jeskai give up their lives to make peace with Ojutai. Alesha, Yasova, and Tasigur escape.
  • Tasigur returns to Silumgar and is turned into a piece of jewelry for the dragon.[94]
  • Alesha and the Mardu decide to forsake their previous clan and follow dragonlord Kolaghan.[94]
  • Yasova and the Temur begin hunting food for Atarka.[94]

War with Phyrexia (3285 AR to 4206 AR)[13][ | ]






  • Urza, Barrin, and Karn return to Tolaria and are reunited with Jhoira, who is the last survivor on the island. They rebuild the academy. Jhoira falls into a coma.[97]


  • Johan attempts to conquer the Jamuraan city-states of Bryce and Palmyra, but it is stopped by Hazezon Tamar, the Efravan Jaeger Ojanen, Adira Strongheart and her Robaran Mercenaries. However, Jaeger is eaten by a sand wurm.[8]
  • Johan reaches Efrava where he finds Jedit, Jaeger's son. The sorcerer's plan to use Jedit to kill Hazezon and Adira backfires and Johan is forced to flee to Shauku's castle. Jedit and Adira's intervention destroys the castle: Johan escapes to Tirras.
  • Johan is preparing a fleet of airships to conquer Efrava. Jedit rediscovers Scarwood's secret and allies with the other cat tribes. In the Battle of Efrava, Johan is eaten by a sand wurm; however, Adira too is killed. Jedit becomes the commander of the Robaran Mercenaries and the cat warriors are free to roam Dominaria.[98]



c. 3346

  • Arzakon discovers Shandalar and tries to invade it, but is repelled by the Great Barrier, reinforced by The Guardian.[83]
  • Arzakon's War - Arzakon corrupts the five guildlords of Shandalar, who turn on the Guardian and kill his body. The Guardian's spirit warns one of the plane's spellcasters, who raises a defense and defeats the guildlords and Arzakon himself, locking the planeswalker out of Shandalar for an untold amount of years.[83]


  • Kerrick's (now K'rrik) forces escape from a fast-time bubble and attack the Tolarians.[96]


  • Urza comes to Yavimaya to find allies against Phyrexia, but is imprisoned in an ancient tree for his crimes against Argoth.[96] Multani discovers the Phyrexians are a threat that only Urza can deal with. He frees Urza and grants him the Weatherseed.
  • Urza returns to Tolaria. He, Teferi, Multani, the Tolarians, and the Shivans defeat the Phyrexians.[96]



  • Serra arrives on Ulgrotha. She unites the nomad tribes into the city-state Aysen.
  • Some dwarves go through a portal and end up in Ulgrotha. They found the city New Freedom. Some of these dwarves set out across the ocean to explore this new world.[85]
  • Two planeswalkers fight in Ulgrotha. Baron Sengir is left behind. Sengir overtakes New Freedom and turns its princess, Irini, into a vampire.[85][99]
  • The Baron discovers Ravi locked in a vault on top of the Basalt Spire.[85]


  • Urza reveals his Bloodline project and most of Tolaria is now working on it.[100]
  • Croag, a Phyrexian Inner Circle member, is awakened by Yawgmoth to hunt down Urza. He starts sending Negators after Urza.
  • Davvol is taken to Rath to become its new steward.
  • Rofellos is brought to Yavimaya to help craft the forest's defenses against Phyrexia.
  • Karn's memory is capped at 20 years.
  • Gatha leaves Tolaria to start his Bloodline project in Keld.


  • Feroz arrives on Ulgrotha. He meets Sandruu, a minotaur whom he trains in the use of magic. He also meets Serra. Serra and Feroz fall in love. After meeting the two 'walkers, Baron Sengir decides to lie low for a while.[85]
  • Nahiri awakens, fights the Eldrazi, and begins her search for Sorin.[101][8]


  • Sandruu ascends. During his travels, he meets Kristina and they become romantically involved.[85]
  • Feroz visits the Floating Isle and creates the Wizards' School there.[85]
  • Ravidel shows Taysir the lovers Sandruu and Kristina. Taysir attacks Sandruu and follows him to Ulgrotha. Sandruu is banished to some faraway plane. Feroz kills Taysir but saves his Centre of Consciousness from being cleansed by the Anaba spirit crafters.
  • Serra and Feroz erect Feroz's Ban around Ulgrotha.



c. 3650

  • Teferi establishes the Creeds of Zhalfir and leaves to travel the planes.


c. 3680

c. 3750

  • Jolrael apprentices as a mage within Zhalfir.[102] She soon grows disillusioned and leaves for the Mwonvuli Jungle.


  • Ihsan visits Baron Sengir. He wants to be turned into a vampire so he has the strength to kill the Baron, but Sengir is on to him and turns him into a Shade instead.

3755 (803 BD)

c. 3850

  • The Civic guildmage Sabul Hajeen summons the angel Kotara to Ki'pamu take revenge on his brother's killers. This escalates to the point where the killer's family summons a demon of the pit. Kotara and the demon kill each other, and Sabul repents of his quest for vengeance.[104]

c. 3861


  • Feroz dies in a lab accident. Serra leaves Ulgrotha and is killed on Dominaria by a 'walker who wants her ring. In her passing, she blesses the land of Sursi to create a sanctuary against the dark forces that assailed her followers.[13][105]
  • Brother Angus starts building the Cathedral of Serra.


  • Feroz's Ban collapses.

c. 3840 (Ava. 1)


  • Croag leads a major attack on Keld. Gatha and Kreig die. Croag is seriously injured. Phyrexia gains access to the ruins of Gatha's laboratory.

c. 3995 ("some two hundred years" before the Mirage War [107])


4000 - 4200

  • The goblins of the Flarg destroy themselves in a civil war. Their ruins are later excavated by scholars from the Argivian University.[111]

c. 4005 (c. 553 BD)

  • The Apostasine Wars enter an interregnum ceasefire.[6]


  • Rofellos fights Phyrexians in Yavimaya while Davvol overlaps it with Rath.
  • Urza meets Lyna of the Soltari.
  • Croag murders Davvol for his failures and his plans to kill Croag himself.







4063 (495 BD)

  • Elenda of Garrano returns from Ixalan, ending the Apostasine Wars.[103] The Church of Dusk unites power with Queen Miralda of Torrezon, forming the Legion of Dusk. With the sacrament of vampirism brought by Elenda, Torrezon becomes a powerful kingdom and begins expanding outward.



  • Destruction of White Ridge. The wizard Towser intends to sacrifice Greensleeves to steal her power, but his plans are thwarted by Gull, Lily, and Greensleeves herself. The three vow to form an army to fight evil wizards.[113]


  • Rakel is blackmailed by Benalia into killing Gull and Greensleeves, but the two save her. Garth swears to resume his family duty and stop planeswalking.
  • Chaney, before dying of old age, train Greensleeves in the ways of nature magic. Greensleeves becomes a druid.
  • Greensleeves activates the Stone Brain and starts subduing and "tagging" evil wizards to stop them from doing any harm.[114]

c. 4075 ("Within a century" after discovering Teferi's Isle)[107]


  • Battle of Lat-Nam.
  • Greensleeves, Gull, and Sparrowhawk are reunited.
  • Greensleeves becomes a planeswalker, but she sacrifices her spark to heal the poisoned and ill land of Lat-Nam island. She is declared High Wizard of the Domains.[115]

c. 4160 (A few centuries before c. 4560)


c. 4162 or earlier (a little before 395 BD)

c. 4165





  • Jared Carthalion is born.
  • Jared's father, Adam Carthalion, deceived by Ravidel, is on a quest to become a planeswalker. He wants to stop the new disaster that is about to happen on Dominaria according to the seers. On this quest, he even sacrifices his wife. Ravidel says he will make Adam a planeswalker if Adam sacrifices his son. Adam refuses. The Battle of Aster Fall takes place.[118]
  • Gerrard is born.
  • Phyrexia invades Benalia. Karn rescues Gerrard and brings him to Sidar Kondo.






  • Sisay becomes a cabin 'boy' aboard a pirate ship after being freed from a slaver's ship.

c. 4193

The War Years (4195 AR to 4205 AR)[13][ | ]

c. 4195


  • Ravidel attacks the city-state of Arathoxia, causing its ruin. The Scarlet Vizier is killed in the attack, and Liana of Minorad joins Jared's side in the battle. They attack Castle Melmereth, razing it to the ground, and leaving Ravidel for dead.
  • Late Winter – Jared is apprenticed to Kristina.[80]
  • Deep Spring – Kristina and Jared discover Ravidel is fighting Liana over the Moxen. Liana gives them to Jared and fights Ravidel in the Abyss. Liana is killed.[80]
  • Summer – Mangara's Harmony ends with Mangara's imprisonment in the Amber Prison by Kaervek. The Mirage War begins.[108]
  • Summer – A Spirit of the Night assassinates Femeref's Council of Voices.[102] Asmira assumes the role of the nation's spiritual leader and military leader, or Sidar.
  • Autumn – Jared and Kristina meet Grenfell Mor, who's been working on a spell to deactivate the Golgothian Sylex. Jared and Kristina become lovers.[80]
  • Autumn – The Nightmare Caliphear frees Altair. The two join Jared and Kristina, and they attack Ravidel. The sylex is destroyed, but Ravidel gets away with the Moxen. Altair is killed.[80]
  • Rashida's village is attacked by dragons.[102] She vows to wipe them out, slaying over a dozen herself and earning the name "Scalebane" for the banesword she carries and later herself.
  • Early Winter – Ravidel erects the Mox Beacon, summoning the planeswalkers that once betrayed him to Corondor and stripping them of their powers. Jared ascends.[80]




  • Vuel fails his rite of maturity because Starke meddled in it. He leaves the Kondo clan and, influenced by Starke, steals the Legacy from Gerrard. Karn is deactivated. Vuel wages war against his father and kills him. Phyrexia approaches Vuel. Vuel becomes the new Evincar of Rath: Volrath.


  • Astor becomes a Keldon Warlord.


  • Rofellos is killed during a Phyrexian attack on Urborg. Gerrard, Crovax, and Mirri leave the crew.



  • Volrath abducts Sisay. The Weatherlight crew picks up Gerrard, Ertai, Starke, Mirri, and Crovax and planeshifts to Rath.
  • Keld invades Jamuraa in the Prophecy War.
  • The Weatherlight crew frees Sisay. Crovax kills Selenia, placing the curse of vampirism on himself. Crovax kills Mirri. Ertai and Crovax are left on Rath. Weatherlight leaves for Mercadia.

Phyrexian Invasion (4205 AR to 4206 AR)[12][8][ | ]


  • The Weatherlight crew defeats the Phyrexians in Mercadia.
  • Volrath is killed. Ertai is corrupted by the Phyrexians. Crovax is named the new evincar of Rath.
  • Keld starts a war against Jamuraa. Jamuraa wins. Rayne is killed by Greel.
  • The Phyrexian Invasion starts.[8] Urza assembles the Nine Titans. Hanna is killed by a Phyrexian plague. Orim finds a cure for the plague.
  • Benalia is destroyed. Llanowar is severely damaged. Takara is killed. Barrin commits suicide by obliterating all of Tolaria. The Battle of Koilos takes place. The portal to Phyrexia is closed.
  • The Rathi Overlay begins.
  • Tevesh Szat betrays the Titans and kills Daria and Kristina. Szat gets Darigaaz to make the Primevals rise again. Karn talks sense into Darigaaz. Darigaaz dives into a volcano to break the link of the Primevals. Rith and Crosis are imprisoned again. Dromar and Treva are destroyed. Weatherlight is destroyed. Urza kills Szat and powers the soul bombs. Gerrard and Squee are captured by Ertai.
  • Urza joins Phyrexia and kills Taysir. Gerrard joins Phyrexia and battles Urza.
  • Gerrard decapitates Urza. Gerrard turns against Phyrexia again and is transported back to the Stronghold. Gerrard kills Crovax. Squee kills Ertai.
  • The remaining Titans activate the soul bombs. Phyrexia is almost fully destroyed.
  • Karn's memory cap is removed. He discovers a new way to read the Thran Tome. Weatherlight is reborn.
  • Multani transplants part of Yavimaya to the borders of Urborg. Dwarves make the volcano in which the Stronghold is now situated erupt.
  • Yawgmoth enters Dominaria as a death cloud. Eladamri, Lin Sivvi, Bo Levar, and Commodore Guff die, along with what is surely billions of Dominarians.
  • The Legacy is completed. Yawgmoth is slain by the combined power of The Legacy. Karn ascends.


The Rift Era (4206 AR to 4500 AR)[13][12][ | ]

c. 4300



4306, Karona's War

  • Thousands of Dominarians immigrate to Otaria.
  • Jeska becomes Phage and kills Nivea.[126] Ixidor creates Akroma. Kamahl and Phage lead a war against Ixidor and Akroma. Phage creates the Deathwurms and constructs the Grand Coliseum.[126] Ixidor is devoured by a deathwurm. Kamahl goes into exile in Krosa.
  • Zagorka discovers the city of Averru. Kuberr is reborn out of the union between Phage and the Cabal Patriarch. Braids kills the Cabal Patriarch and assumes control of the Cabal. Lowallyn is reincarnated in the form of Ixidor after he leaves the deathwurm.
  • Akroma and Phage finish their war in Averru. Many thousands of soldiers join each side.[127] Kamahl slays Phage, Akroma, and Zagorka. Karona is born.
  • Karona leaves Dominaria, leaving it without mana. After a meeting with Karn, Karona returns to Dominaria, where she destroys Aphetto and the Grand Coliseum, kills Llowalyn and Kuberr, and trashes Averru. Sash and Waistcoat kill Karona.
  • Jeska ascends. Karn takes her to Argentum. Karn turns the Mirari into Memnarch. Phyrexian Oil pollutes Argentum.


  • Memnarch goes insane and renames Argentum as Mirrodin.[128]
  • The Ur-Golems have a wondrous society on Mirrodin until Memnarch destroys them.
  • Memnarch brings many living things to Mirrodin via the Soul Traps.
  • The Phyrexian oil creates the Mycosynth and makes sure the line between artificial and natural creatures starts to blur on Mirrodin.
  • Memnarch thinks Karn visits him regularly, but that's just delusion talking. He subconsciously excludes the real Karn from Mirrodin. Memnarch wants to become a planeswalker and starts to launch the Moons of Mirrodin: gigantic artificial mana batteries that will power Mirrodin after it is turned into a machine to transfer the planeswalker's spark of one of Mirrodin's inhabitants into Memnarch.
  • Glissa starts to uncover the mysteries of Mirrodin. The Leveler War starts and ends.[129] The fifth and final moon of Mirrodin is launched, beginning the Dawn Age. Yert dethrones Geth. The Mephidross expands rapidly. Glissa is caught in a temporal trap.
  • Taj-Nar is destroyed. Glissa emerges from the temporal trap. The Battle of Krark-home begins.
  • Memnarch transports Glissa's spark to his own body, but both die before the process is completed. All life on Mirrodin ends. Slobad gets the spark and ascends.
  • Karn returns to Mirrodin. Slobad gives up his spark to resurrect all people on Mirrodin and transport the original generations home. Karn turns Memnarch back into the Mirari.
  • Slobad, Glissa, and Geth's decapitated head are left on Mirrodin by Karn to guard the Mirari. Slobad is almost immediately killed by goblins. Glissa flees into the heart of Mirrodin, where she is captured by Phyrexians and is compleated. Geth flees to the Mephidross and begins his partnership with Phyrexia.
  • Liliana's spark ignites and the Lich Josu Vess is created from her brother.

c. 4360

Between c. 4364 and c. 4464

  • Autumn — The Vendrell family, including a teenaged Marina Vendrell, moves into the House on Duskmourn.[131] Soon after, she unwittingly provided the demon Valgavoth with four sacrifices, allowing him to begin expanding until he devoured the entire plane, including both of its suns, within a handful of years.[132][133]

Between 4400 and 4557

  • The Neurok defeat the vedalken in the Battle of the Synod. The two cultures enter an uneasy truce, where both inhabit the capital of Lumengrid.[129]
  • Reawakened Nim kill massacre the surviving Moriok in an event known as the Nim Onslaught or Nim Massacre.[129] By the end of the Onslaught, less than one-quarter of the pre-Vanishing Moriok are left alive on the plane.
  • The Sylvok build the Araneas Altar around the newly-formed Radix.[129]

4445 AR (c. 9962 ZC)

4448 AR (9965 ZC)

  • 15 Mokosh – The Schism, a rift that connected Agyrem with the plane of Ravnica, is created by the Izzet magelord Zomaj Hauc.[135]

c. 4460 (c. 98 BD)

c. 4462

4483 AR (10,000 ZC)

4495 AR (10,012 ZC)

Temporal crisis[ | ]


  • The collective impact of the Sylex Blast, the Shard, the Tolarian time travel experiments, the Rathi Overlay, and Karona starts to be felt, as mana-sucking rifts begin to open all over Dominaria. Magic, time and reality becomes increasingly unstable, and it is more difficult to planeswalk on Dominaria.[74][8]
  • Teferi, Jhoira, and a pair of Viashino and Ghitu return from their self-imposed exile to find Dominaria in a state of decay. Teferi begins work to try to return Zhalfir and Shiv to Dominaria without further damaging the plane.
  • Nicol Bolas is revived.
  • Teferi gives up his spark to close the Shivan time rift. Freyalise dies closing the Skyshroud rift. Lord Windgrace imbues Urborg with his essence and dies closing the Urborg rift. Karn disappears after closing the Tolarian rift. Nicol Bolas destroys the Honden of Night's Reach and turns the Myojin's followers against her.
  • Jeska falls under the manipulation of Leshrac. She closes the rift over Zhalfir but ends up destroying Zhalfir in the process. She then closes the rift over Yavimaya, but damages the ecosystem and possibly destroys Multani. She attempts to close the rift over Madara, but Leshrac's plot is revealed. He attacks Nicol Bolas with an artifact given to him by the Myojin of Night's Reach. Bolas beats Leshrac using the actual mask of Night's Reach. He uses an enthralled Leshrac to close the Madaran rift.
  • Jeska gives her life to close the final rift over Otaria.

The Mending Era (4500 AR to 4562 AR)[ | ]


  • The Great Mending takes place: all remaining fractures heal, first in Dominaria then spreading throughout the Multiverse in a chain reaction. Mana again flows freely throughout Dominaria, returning life and hope to the dying world. Planeswalkers lose their immortality and godlike powers and much of their additional magic power. All existing means of traveling between planes without a spark cease to function.[125][12][8]
  • Teferi sets out to become a mage of Suq'Ata. Jhoira meets with a man claiming to be Jodah. Radha unifies the Keldons and the remaining Skyshroud Elves. Venser departs Dominaria to explore the planes.
  • On Kaladesh, Avaati Vya manages to successfully refine aether. An era of prosperity called the Great Aether Boom followed.
  • On Amonkhet, Nicol Bolas arrives and destroys the civilization there to make way for his plans.
  • On Ravnica, Agyrem is split off from Ravnica.[138]
  • On Kamigawa, the Modern Age begins.[139]
  • On Zendikar, Nissa Revane is born.[140]

c. 4509

  • (Alternate timeline, possibly primary timeline) Chianul is born.[141]

c. 4510

c. 4511

c. 4520

  • Oona's acts of interfering with Lorwyn's natural linear progression are ended by the rebellion put into motion by Colfenor. Oona's duplicate, Maralen, assumes control of the plane with the help of Colfenor's sapling and the elemental Ashling. Maralen restores the normal flow of day and night over the plane.
  • Nissa Revane journeys to Lorwyn before the Great Aurora and studies black mana under the elves of the Gilt-Leaf.

c. 4521

c. 4523 (c. 10,040 ZC)

c. 4527

c. 4530

c. 4532

c. 4534

c. 4537

c. 4540 (c. 10,057 ZC)

c. 4541

c. 4543 or earlier


c. 4545

c. 4548

c. 4549

c. 4550

  • (Alternate timeline) Narset becomes khan of the Jeskai.[156]

c. 4551

c. 4552

c. 4553

c. 4554

c. 4554 (Ava. 715)

  • The Cecani manor burns down just before the 45th Hunter's Moon. Geralf and Gisa Cecani begin their war.[5]



  • Koth encounters Elspeth and Venser on Urborg. He enlists their help in dealing with the Phyrexian corruption taking place on Mirrodin. Ultimately, weeks (if not months) later, they succeed in freeing Karn at the cost of Venser's life.[161][8]
  • Chandra surfaces on Zendikar looking for a ruin-sage named Anowon, and with him, searches for the Eye of Ugin.[8] They encounter Sarkhan once they reach the eye and he plans to sacrifice Chandra for unknown reasons. Jace appears and assists Chandra, striking an uneasy truce to defeat Sarkhan. Their actions trigger a reaction in the Hedrons surrounding the Eye. Chandra and Sarkhan leave the plane the same day, and Jace leaves 2 weeks later.
  • Sarkhan returns to Bolas's Meditation Realm to inform the dragon of the events that transpired at the Eye. Bolas reveals Tezzeret's body while being rebuilt, to Sarkhan.
  • Bolas finishes his efforts to restore Tezzeret's mind and body, giving him the task of finding the secret of Etherium from Crucius the Mad. Ultimately successful, Bolas then sends Tezzeret to Mirrodin, having become aware of the Phyrexian taint spreading on that plane.
  • The events of In the Teeth of Akoum occur.[161]
    • Nissa Revane and her Tajuru allies are attacked by Eldrazi brood lineage. Sorin Markov shows up and deals with the remaining brood, recovering Anowon after 3 months of enslavement by the Eldrazi in the process. Nissa agrees to lead him to Akoum. Upon arrival, the elf and the vampire argue with each other, which results in Nissa breaking the central hedron in the Eye of Ugin. The Eldrazi Titans are freed.
  • Gideon Jura followed Chandra to Zendikar, but lost her track around the Eye of Ugin. He stayed at Fort Keff and defeated a handful of brood lineage that attacked the fort. Upon seeing Emrakul on the horizon, he fled, knowing he didn't stand a chance against the monstrosity. He leaves Zendikar for Ravnica to petition the help of an organization of planeswalkers.
  • The archangel Avacyn and the demon Griselbrand, to whom Liliana owes a portion of her soul, disappear from the plane of Innistrad.

c. 4558

  • Sorin returns to his homeplane of Innistrad after the fiasco on Zendikar to find it destroying itself.
  • Anafenza is executed by her cousin Oret and returned by him as a kin-tree spirit.[166]
  • The Legion of Dusk depart for and arrive on the continent of Ixalan.[167][6]

4558 (10,075 ZC; c. Ava. 719)

  • Gideon Jura arrives on Ravnica to find tensions increasing amid the rise of the Gateless and the resurgence of the guilds. Knowing he has little choice, he places his search for allies on hold, having had little success anyway.
  • Garruk pursues Liliana to Innistrad, intent on having her remove his curse or killing her for inflicting it upon him. After a few months of searching, Liliana tracks Griselbrand's disappearance to the Helvault and manipulates Thalia into destroying it.[161][8]
  • Niv-Mizzet begins extensive research into the nature of the Implicit Maze, appointing Ral Zarek as the lead researcher.
  • Jace finishes his research concerning the Implicit Maze. Shocked by the answers he discovered, he erases his memory, effectively losing 6 months of his life. However, the activities of House Dimir draw him back in. Niv-Mizzet orchestrates the running of the Implicit Maze. Jace becomes the Living Guildpact.[161]

c. 4558

  • Elesh Norn seizes power over the red and black factions of New Phyrexia.
  • Koth attempts to assassinate the ascendant Elesh Norn with an incredibly powerful spellbomb, forcing Elspeth to leave New Phyrexia for Theros. Koth escaped alive into the bowels of the furnace layers. He hopes that the Mirran resistance can one day overthrow the Phyrexians.

Before 4559

c. 4559


  • Xenagos enacts his plans to manipulate the gods into confronting each other, forcing Kruphix to enact the Silence, removing them from Theros and leaving his path open to ascend to godhood.[161][8]
  • Following a battle in Akros, Xenagos ascends during the Great Revel, throwing off the balance of power in Theros.
  • Daxos dies at 22 years old.
  • Alongside Ajani, Elspeth Tirel enters the realm of Nyx to topple the new god though it ultimately costs her life.
  • Sarkhan Vol returns to his present, though he was never born in this timeline.[170][171][161][8]
  • Sorin Markov arrives on Tarkir and releases Ugin from his Hedron cocoon.[172] He informs Ugin about the release of the Eldrazi, and Ugin dismisses him and demands that he seek out Nahiri.
  • Sarkhan seeks out Ugin and explains his role in the release of the Eldrazi, and in saving Ugin's life.[171] He leaves Ugin and meets with Narset, a planeswalker he had met in an alternate timeline.
  • These events happened in an alternate timeline Tarkir:
    • Sarkhan returns to Tarkir.
    • Sorin Markov arrives on Tarkir and finds Ugin dead.[172]
    • Varuk takes control of the Mardu after Zurgo's obsession with Sarkhan becomes clear.[173]
    • The appearance of the Alabaster Kirin.
    • Sarkhan, Narset — whose planeswalker spark did not ignite in this timeline — and Zurgo reach Ugin's Nexus.[174]
    • Zurgo Kills Narset.[174]
    • Sarkhan enters the Nexus of Fate and travels 1280 years backward in time.[174]

c. 4559

  • Ajani visits Tamiyo on Kamigawa
  • Tamiyo arrives on Innistrad from Kamigawa and begins her investigation
  • After one month on Kamigawa, Ajani travels to Kaladesh[175]

Between c. 4559 and c. 4561

  • At some point after encountering Liliana first, then Jace, Garruk Wildspeaker encounters Oko and falls under his spell.

Gatewatch Period[ | ]

c. 4559

  • Emrakul is last seen on Zendikar[176]
  • Gideon begins his efforts to save Zendikar from the Eldrazi.


4559, c. 6 Months before the Hour Devastation[169]

4560, c. 3 Months before the Hour of Devastation

4560, c. 1 Month before the Hour of Devastation

The Hour of Devastation

4560, c. 40 Days after the Hour of Devastation

4560, c. 2 Months after the Hour of Devastation

  • Jhoira finishes gathering her crew.
  • Ajani planeswalks to Dominaria.

4560, c. 3-4 Months after the Hour of Devastation

c. 4-5 Months after the Hour of Devastation

  • The Gatewatch and the crew of the Weatherlight defeat Belzenlok with the help of the Blackblade. Nicol Bolas takes control of Liliana Vess.
  • On Ravnica, tensions between the guilds rise, as Nicol Bolas has been warping them to his needs. They also fight internally between the forces pulling them toward or away from Bolas's influence.

4560, c. 5 Months after the Hour of Devastation

  • Saheeli is working on a project on Dominaria
  • Huatli becomes romantically involved with Saheeli[179]

c. 4560

War of the Spark[ | ]

4560 AR (10,077 ZC), c. 4-5 Months after the Hour of Devastation

After the War[ | ]

c. 4560


Between 4560 and 4561



  • New Year's Day — Giada sacrifices herself, reawakening the New Capennan angels held in stasis across the city.[223][8]

4562, 2 Years after the Hour of Devastation[224]

New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse[ | ]


The Omenpath Era (4562 AR - present)[ | ]


c. 4563, 6 months after the New Phyrexian Invasion[262]

4563 (5 Dawn Era[6]), 14-17 months after the New Phyrexian Invasion[270][271]

c. 4564 (c. 10,080 ZC), ~17 months after the New Phyrexian Invasion[277]

c. 4564, ~18 months after the New Phyrexian Invasion[277]

c. 4564, almost two years after the New Phyrexian Invasion[291][292]

c. 4564, at least 21 months after the New Phyrexian Invasion

Notes on the timeline[ | ]

Since some parts of the timeline are open to interpretation this section was created to show which of them could be different, and why the current version was chosen. This section will not include an argumentation for all dates and the placing of undated events, because dates are often just given in the books, and most un-dated events have to have happened between certain dated events because of the characters or nations present.

Year Zero[ | ]

The Argivian Reckoning explicitly uses a year zero corresponding to the year of Urza's and Mishra's births.[299][8] Other dating systems, especially the Ravnican timeline, have been implied to use year zeroes as well, with years commensurate across planes.[7]

The Thran[ | ]

The book "The Thran" gives dates of all events in the "The Time of the Thran" part of this timeline relating to the Thran-Phyrexian War (9 years prior, 2 years prior, etc.). The date for the war itself is given in Apocalypse, where Yawgmoth says the war ended 9000 years ago. For this timeline, the Thran-Phyrexian War has been estimated to have happened 5000 years before the Brothers' War. Consequently, all the events narrated in the books are here reported following the same description provided in "The Thran", and under the summary indication of happening around -5000 AR. So all dates in the "The Time of the Thran" section are correct in relating to each other, but they could be some years off relating to the other dates on the timeline. Note that in Invasion, Tsabo Tavoc said the Thran-Phyrexian War ended 6000 years ago. Since Yawgmoth was there, his statements have been taken over those of Tsabo.

The Art of Magic: the Gathering - Dominaria places the 'Time of the Thran' at 'up to around -5,000 AR', ending with the Thran-Phyrexia War, placing this date officially at about -5000 AR.[13]

Arabian Nights[ | ]

The dates of the events of the Arabian Nights comic and the life of Taysir are roughly estimated, based on The Story of the Battlemage Ravidel, which places the birth of Taysir soon after the end of the Brothers' War. Refraction of Rabiah happened still in his infancy. He left the plane as an adult, about three decades later (although it's only an impression of his age derived from the art in the comic). Some sources place Antiquities War comic after Arabian Nights, but one of them also reminds us that in fact, the Antiquities War comic is a narrative made by Taysir after he was trapped in the Shard and researched the mysteries of this ancient conflict.

Duels of the Planeswalkers[ | ]

Although it is not given a specific date, the 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers takes place just before Rise of the Eldrazi, placing it in roughly 4557. It contains bios on each of its planeswalker characters, listing their ages as Garruk Wildspeaker, 36; Liliana Vess, "over 200"; Jace Beleren, 23; Ajani Goldmane, "appears" 30; Chandra Nalaar, 20; Nicol Bolas, "over 20,000"; Dack Fayden, 30; Elspeth Tirel, 24 (sparked at 13, squire at 17, knight at 20); and Nissa Revane, "appears" 28.

For this timeline to work, Elspeth must have been born in 4532, Chandra must have been born at an earlier time of year in 4537, and Daxos must have been born at a later date that same year. In 4545, Elspeth sparks at age 13 and meets Daxos on Theros before he turns 8. She squires on Bant in c. 4549 and is knighted in c. 4552. In 4557, Duels of the Planeswalkers occur after Chandra has turned 20, but before Elspeth has turned 25. Theros happens in 4559 after Daxos has turned 22, while Elspeth is 27.

Homelands events[ | ]

The WotC Timeline places it between 3800 and 4130. The timeline in the Homelands comic gives no dates in the AR calendar but gives a chronology of events that takes 600 years, far longer than the 330 years in the WotC timeline. Placing 3800 as the 'Present Day' of the Homelands timeline is the only interpretation of the official timeline that works with what we know of The Kami War. Because this event has to happen at least 1,000 years before 4306 AR (according to Bolas in Future Sight), the only reasonable assumption is that the 'current' date for the Homelands timeline is 3800, not 4196. Serra's death has been placed as 3780 AR, confirming this interpretation of the timeline.[13]

Kamigawa dates[ | ]

In Time Spiral, Nicol Bolas states: "The schism became a source of misery before Karona’s War by a millennium or more. When poor, mad little Ravi rang her terrible bell and the Garden ceased to exist, the echoes of that destructive chime reached far and wide, all the way to the Talon Gates and the rift they attend. The tolling of Ravi’s chime opened the rift wider and deeper, extending it across the cosmos to another realm." This line establishes The Apocalypse Chime as happening AT LEAST a millennia before Karona's War (3306 AR). It also had to happen after Ravi rang the Apocalypse Chime, placing it where it ended up. Magic: The Gathering - The Visual Guide gives the year of the war's end as 3227 AR.

The storyline of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty takes place five years after Tezzeret burned Nashi's village, was mind-wiped, and was picked up by Nicol Bolas, placing it around 4561.[157][7] Ten years earlier, he caused the Emperor's spark to ignite.[300] Twelve months after that, Kaito Shizuki's spark ignited when he was 15 years old.[158] The Wanderer was about the same age as him.[146] The set also takes place 1,200 years after the original block, placing the end of the Kami War between c. 3261-c. 3361.[301][302][303][304]

The Reckoning of the Sages of Minorad[ | ]

Many pre-revisionist events have been given in this reckoning, but they are often just plain wrong in revisionist continuity. The Fallen Empires comic says it takes place over a millennium before the Ice Age, while post-rev sources put it only 280 years before the ice. Another big event, the Planeswalker War on Corondor, is said to have happened more than a millennia after the gathering of the sages, but this would put it after the Phyrexian invasion, and since several planeswalkers that died during the invasion are major players in the 'walkers war this can be considered an obsolete date.

Most events have been given a post-rev date by WotC because they are tied to a set and thus on their official timeline (such as Fallen Empires and Homelands). The Shadow Mage, Wayfarer and the Planeswalker War had for a long time not been given an official date, but because we know how much time happens between them, we can deduce their post-rev dates: the War happens 70 years after Sandruu's banishment and Wayfarer in the same year as the war. The chapters of Shadow Mage each give the age of Jared Carthalion at that time, and since his age is given as 16 in Wayfarer, the placing of those chapters can be deduced as well. The Planeswalker War has now officially been given dates between 4195 AR and 4205 AR.[13]

Mirrodin[ | ]

The events of Mirrodin were a continuity problem. The flavor text of several cards in Mirrodin mention the events of the Mirrodin Cycle taking place millennia after Karn disappeared from the plane.[305] However, the events of Planar Chaos make it obvious that Mirrodin took place before the Time Spiral Cycle. Karn states that the plane hasn't seen conflict in a century. However, it was stated that the rifts allowed Memnarch's delusions to become quasi-real.[306] So one can deduce that thousands of years played out in the golem's mind, while on the outside only a few hundred years have passed.

Ravnica[ | ]

The D&D Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica establishes the Ravnican year of the Return to Ravnica block as 10,075 ZC, placing the events of the original Ravnica block 61-76 years in the past. The guide also confirms that Ravnican years are 365 days long. If 10,075 ZC is roughly equivalent to 4558, the length of Ravnican years must be roughly commensurate with Dominarian years for the original Ravnica Cycle to occur before the Mending.

In The Gathering Storm multiple weeks are mentioned as passing between Vraska's arrival on Ravnica and the War of the Spark.

In Note for a Stranger, which itself takes place over at least five days, Huatli mentions she has been on Ravnica for "two months", which came after spending a "few days" on Kaladesh. We know all this must happen after Huatli meets Saheeli in Rivals of Ixalan, but before they have already been reunited in War of the Spark. Comparing this to how much time is said to pass between Jace planeswalking from Ixalan to Dominaria (which happened before Huatli left Ixalan), and when Belzenlok is defeated (which is established to be the day before the War of the Spark), we can tell that Huatli probably arrived on Ravnica soon after leaving Kaladesh, and started dating Saheeli shortly before the War of the Spark.

Lorwyn[ | ]

In Homesick, Nissa states "But her friend—her best friend, her constant companion for two score years—couldn't answer." Nissa's Origin: Home is when she first awakens her animist powers, which would be two scores (or 40 years) previous to Homesick. The Great Aurora occurs during Nissa's Origin, placing Lorwyn as occurring 40 years before Kaladesh.

Zendikar[ | ]

The events of the Zendikar storyline can only vaguely be established thanks to Chandra's theft of the scroll in The Purifying Fire and Jace's experiences working as an agent of the Consortium to retrieve the scroll that Chandra stole. Roughly 3 years passed since Chandra acquired the scroll the first time, and Sarkhan Vol's presence tracking Chandra (apparently there for less than a year) indicates that the Zendikar story takes place after Alara as well.

While Chandra recalls there have been between one and three years passing since her last visit to Zendikar when she returns in Battle for Zendikar, based on Elspeth's age when her spark ignites and she first visits Theros, Daxos's ages on both of Elspeth's visits to Theros, Elspeth and Chandra's ages given in Magic 2014/Duels of the Planeswalkers and what Ajani did between the events of Theros and Kaladesh, one can calculate that close to three years probably passed. This is also consistent with Charandra's age during the events of Magic 2014/Duels of the Planeswalkers and Kaladesh.

Tarkir[ | ]

Main article: Tarkir/Timeline

The timeline of Tarkir was altered when Sarkhan Vol traveled back in time and saved Ugin from Bolas.

Innistrad[ | ]

Some of the pieces of side-content from the original Innistrad storyline are dated and take place between Ava. 699 and 719, with the only major crossover to the main story being the war between Geralf and Gisa Cecani, which begins after the burning of the Cecani manor in late Ava. 715 and is ongoing at the end of the story in Ava. 719. If the original Innistrad set takes place in Ava. c. 719 and corresponds with 4558 AR, it would place Ava. 1 in c. 3840 AR. According to the Shadows Over Innistrad story "A Gaze Blank and Pitiless," Avacyn is said to have first appeared and killed Liesa and her flight "a thousand years" before 4559, and according to the story Promises Old and New, Sorin is stated to have not attended a vampire banquet in "over a thousand years." This would imply that Ava. 1 occurred centuries after Avacyn's creation, potentially coinciding with the church's founding. It took Sorin "six millennia" to come up with his plan to create Avacyn.[209] This places Edgar's ritual within a thousand years of -2441 AR, with his birth not long before.

Sorin sealed the Eldrazi on Zendikar "more than 6,000 years" before Battle for Zendikar block and by then was already "at least a thousand years old."[37] Assuming the sealing would have been less than 7,000 years earlier, this places it between about -2441 and -1442 AR, and Sorin's birth in or before -2442.

Children of the Nameless takes place approximately 1 year after the events of Shadows over Innistrad.[307]

Kaladesh[ | ]

Yahenni states that they have 54 days left to live in "Born of Aether", which takes place the evening of the day Chandra, Liliana, and Nissa arrive on Kaladesh. Yahenni has 12 minutes left in "In the Dead of Night", before gaining an additional 22 days through vampirism. Yahenni's penultimate party and passing away occur at the very end of the story, making Kaladesh Block roughly 76 days from beginning to end.

Yahenni's party happened one month after the Gatewatch arrived on Kaladesh. Tezzeret was defeated within two months of the Gatewatch arriving. The hour of devastation happens "a few weeks" after the defeat of Tezzeret.

Ixalan[ | ]

Surface[ | ]

Azor arrived on Ixalan in preparation for Ugin's and Nicol Bolas's fight on Tarkir in 3279 AR. At some point after, he delivered the Immortal Sun to the city-state of Alta Torrezon.[167] The Sun stayed at a monastery there for "generations" before being moved to the continent of Ixalan, where it ushered in the creation of Orazca and later the Sun Empire. Orazca served as the Sun Empire's capital for "many centuries" before it was moved again to the River Heralds.[308] Orazca was lost to the Sun Empire for "centuries."

Torrezon split into three kingdoms in 803 BD, beginning the Apostasine War.[6] The War raged for 250 years, experienced 50 years of peace, and began anew in 495 BD, "centuries" after the Immortal Sun was taken from Alta Torrezon. The Legion of Dusk marched out of Alta Torrezon and across the continent "a little over four centuries" before 5 Dawn Era. In the century before the Dawn Era, the Legion completed its conquest and refugees fled the continent, later forming the Brazen Coalition.[103] As the Legion of Dusk reached Ixalan "5 years" before The Lost Caverns of Ixalan 5 Dawn Era, there is likely a year zero in the Legion's calendar, with 0 Dawn Era being 4558 AR.

In Ixalan, Tishana feels Jace attempt to planeswalk twice, on the day of the race to Orazca and two months prior. Jace attempts to planeswalk three times. Immediately after arriving on Ixalan, forty days later on the day he is found by Vraska, and "several weeks" later on the day of the race to Orazca. Thus two months must have passed between Jace's being found and the race. Before leaving Ixalan, Jace noted that Gideon had "been trying to foist a workout regimen on [him] for a year now," so the entire Gatewatch era to that point may have lasted a couple more months than estimated.

Underground[ | ]

The Age of the Sun "lasted for millennia."[6] The Night War lasted 320 years.[272] "Many centuries" after the first exodus when humans traveled from the Core to the caverns, the Mycotyrant was born. This event also occurred "millennia" before 5 Dawn Era, and caused humans to travel from the caverns to the plane's surface, later becoming the Sun Empire.

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan takes place "a year and some months" — but not "a year and a half" — after New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse in 4562 AR.

Eldraine[ | ]

The 4561 AR approximation for the events of Throne of Eldraine: The Wildered Quest assumes that Will Kenrith and Rowan Kenrith sparked after the War of the Spark.

References[ | ]

  1. Teri McLaren (1996). The Cursed Land. Harper Prism
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  166. Ari Levitch (April 2, 2015). "The Guardian". Wizards of the Coast.
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  177. a b Doug Beyer (December 2, 2015). "Promises to Keep". Wizards of the Coast.
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  181. Throne of Eldraine: The Wildered Quest
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  232. Aysha U. Farah (January 12, 2023). "A Hollow Body". Wizards of the Coast.
  233. a b c d e Seanan McGuire (January 16, 2023). "Assault on New Phyrexia - Episode 5: Inevitable Resolution". Wizards of the Coast.
  234. Langley Hyde (January 14, 2023). "Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Hard as Anger, Bright as Joy". Wizards of the Coast.
  235. Seanan McGuire (January 14, 2023). "Assault on New Phyrexia - Episode 3: Inconceivable Losses". Wizards of the Coast.
  236. a b K. Arsenault Rivera (March 16, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 1: Triumph of the Fleshless". Wizards of the Coast.
  237. Seanan McGuire (January 13, 2023). "Assault on New Phyrexia - Episode 2: Unstable Foundations". Wizards of the Coast.
  238. a b Reinhardt Suarez (January 17, 2023). "A Man of Parts". Wizards of the Coast.
  239. K. Arsenault Rivera (March 16, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 2: Holding Your Breath". Wizards of the Coast.
  240. K. Arsenault Rivera (March 17, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 3: Mother, Son, and Story". Wizards of the Coast.
  241. Emily Teng (April 13, 2023). "The Legendary Team-Ups of March of the Machine". Wizards of the Coast.
  242. a b Emily Teng (April 11, 2023). "Planeswalker's Guide to March of the Machine: The Phyrexian Invasion of the Multiverse". Wizards of the Coast.
  243. Evelyn Teng (March 20, 2023). "March of the Machine - A Radiant Heart". Wizards of the Coast.
  244. Roy Graham (March 20, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 5: Survival of the Fittest". Wizards of the Coast.
  245. Miguel Lopez (Mar 21, 2023). "March of the Machine - Ixalan: Three Hundred Steps Under the Sun". Wizards of the Coast.
  246. Jenna Helland (March 22, 2023). "March of the Machine - Eldraine: The Adventures of Rankle, Master of Love". Wizards of the Coast.
  247. a b K. Arsenault Rivera (March 23, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode Six: The Last to Leave". Wizards of the Coast.
  248. a b K. Arsenault Rivera (March 23, 2023). "March of the Machine - Episode 7: Divine Intervention". Wizards of the Coast.
  249. Alison Lührs (March 24, 2023). "March of the Machine Ravnica: One And The Same". Wizards of the Coast.
  250. A. T. Greenblatt (March 27, 2023). "March of the Machine - Zendikar: Battles in the Field and in the Mind". Wizards of the Coast.
  251. Elise Kova (March 27, 2023). "March of the Machine - New Capenna: The Fall of Park Heights". Wizards of the Coast.
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  254. Mark Rosewater (May 2, 2023). "Doing the Aftermath". Wizards of the Coast.
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  274. a b Valerie Valdes (October 20, 2023). "The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 5". Wizards of the Coast.
  275. a b c d e Valerie Valdes (October 20, 2023). "The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 6". Wizards of the Coast.
  276. Miguel Lopez (October 20, 2023). "The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Pawns". Wizards of the Coast.
  277. a b Jay Annelli (April 2, 2024). "Here is the Omenpath Arc timeline". Twitter.
  278. a b Seanan McGuire (December 5, 2023). "Murders at Karlov Manor - Episode 1: Ghosts of Our Past". Wizards of the Coast.
  279. Art and Artistry: Murders at Karlov Manor (Video). Magic: The Gathering. YouTube (March 1, 2024).
  280. Adam Styborski (December 5, 2023). "A First Look at Murders at Karlov Manor". Wizards of the Coast.
  281. Seanan McGuire (January 8, 2024). "Murders at Karlov Manor - Episode 2: Monsters We Became". Wizards of the Coast.
  282. Seanan McGuire (January 9, 2023). "Murders at Karlov Manor - Episode 3: Shadows of Regret". Wizards of the Coast.
  283. Seanan McGuire (January 11, 2024). "Murders at Karlov Manor - Episode 5: Chains of Expectation". Wizards of the Coast.
  284. Seanan McGuire (January 12, 2024). "Murders at Karlov Manor - Episode 6: Explosions of Genius". Wizards of the Coast.
  285. Seanan McGuire (January 15, 2024). "Episode 7: Rot Before Recovery". Wizards of the Coast.
  286. Seanan McGuire (January 16, 2024). "Episode 8: Gods of Chaos". Wizards of the Coast.
  287. Seanan McGuire (January 17, 2024). "Episode 9: Beauty in Destruction". Wizards of the Coast.
  288. a b c Seanan McGuire (January 18, 2024). "Episode 10: Roots of Decay". Wizards of the Coast.
  289. Akemi Dawn Bowman (March 11, 2024). "Episode 1: An Offer of Revenge". Wizards of the Coast.
  290. a b Akemi Dawn Bowman (March 25, 2024). "Episode 6: The Ballad of Thieves and Thunderslingers". Wizards of the Coast.
  291. a b c Valerie Valdes (2024-07-01). "Bloomburrow Episode 1: Calamity Comes to Valley". Wizards of the Coast.
  292. Jay Annelli (August 16, 2024). "It’s the same year as OTJ". Ask Jay. Tumblr.
  293. a b c Valerie Valdes (2024-07-08). "Bloomburrow Episode 5: Nightfall in Fountainport". Wizards of the Coast.
  294. Valerie Valdes (2024-07-03). "Bloomburrow Episode 3: The Lost and the Found". Wizards of the Coast.
  295. Valerie Valdes (2024-07-05). "Bloomburrow Episode 4: Soothsaying and Stormcalling". Wizards of the Coast.
  296. Mira Grant (August 21, 2024). "Duskmourn: House of Horror - Children of the Carnival: Part 1}". Wizards of the Coast.
  297. Mira Grant (August 23, 2024). "Duskmourn: House of Horror - Children of the Carnival: Part 2}". Wizards of the Coast.
  298. Mira Grant (August 30, 2024). "Duskmourn: House of Horror- Episode 6: Don’t Die". Wizards of the Coast.
  299. "Magic Set Timeline", The Magic Multiverse (archived)
  300. Akemi Dawn Bowman (January 24, 2022). "Episode 2: Lies, Promises, and Neon Flames". Wizards of the Coast.
  301. Mark Rosewater (January 27, 2022). "The Making of a Dynasty, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  302. Wizards of the Coast (January 27, 2022). "The Sagas of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty". Wizards of the Coast.
  303. Grace Fong, Emily Mei, and Ari Zirulnik (February 3, 2022). "Planeswalkers Guide to Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty". Wizards of the Coast.
  304. Mark Rosewater (February 7, 2022). "Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Vision Design Handoff, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  305. Domineer, Ur-Golem's Eye
  306. You Are a Planeswalker
  307. "What's this?" he asked, pointing. "Why did your people remove the symbol?" "Well," Tacenda said, "after that business last year, the prioress decided..." "Business last year?" Davriel said with a frown. "What business is this?" "With the angels?" Tacenda said He shook his head, then glanced at Miss Highwater, who seemed amused. Even Crunchgnar raised an eyebrow
  308. James Wyatt (January 9, 2018). "Plane Shift: Ixalan". Wizards of the Coast.