MTG Wiki

Tom Wänerstrand
General Information
Status Inactive: Alpha to Time Spiral
Education/ Training Fine Art and Art History, CAD
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artist:"Tom Wänerstrand"

Tomas Robert (Tom) Wänerstrand is an American artist of Swedish descent. He is one of the original 25 Magic: The Gathering artists who contributed works to the Alpha and Beta expansions.[1] He is now Senior Operations Manager at Wizards of the Coast.

Career[ | ]

Wänerstand is a former sign and display painter and professional silkscreener. His handiwork can be seen all over the pacific northwest, from large mural installations of prominent Northwest fine artist's pieces, to interpretive graphics along the Oregon Trail.[2]

Apart from Magic. his products for Wizards of the Coast included: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, BattleTech, Everway, The Duelist magazine, and maps for novels and calendars. In 2000 he was regularly employed for a year as global engineering lead for WotC products, responsible for qualification and setup in print/production facilities worldwide.[3] He also was research lead for new print technologies and product application. In 2006 he returned to become Senior Operations Manager. He now leads the Operations team in global engineering and production management for all WotC physical game and publishing products (card games, collectables, miniatures, board games, role playing games, novels and casual games).

He writes a series of articles on detailing the manufacturing of Magic products.[4]

Notable illustrations[ | ]

References[ | ]
