MTG Wiki

Zendikar gods
Race God
Birthplace Zendikar

Ula is the Zendikar Merfolk god of the realms of water.[1] He is known as Mangeni by the Kor and is their god of the sea, the blood of the world. Both deities are male and come from the same source: long-lost memories of the terrible Eldrazi Ulamog.

Description[ | ]

Ula was considered to be the merfolk's highest god. He was seen as dour and proud and as the creator of the seas. Followers of Ula are navigators and scholars who pride themselves on being blunt and straightforward.[1] Ula-creed merfolk operate the famed research facility at the Lighthouse at Sea Gate. Supplicants used to offer shells and pearls to him.

Chronicles of Ula recounts that followers believed he swam endlessly through the Halimar sea, flanked by two massive leviathans known as Ula's Guardians.[2]

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References[ | ]

  1. a b Doug Beyer (March 17, 2010). "Gods and Monsters". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Magic Creative Team (December 02, 2009). "A Planeswalker's Guide to Zendikar: Tazeem and Merfolk". Wizards of the Coast.

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