MTG Wiki

Venkat Dasai
Renegade Commander
Race Human
Birthplace Kaladesh
Lifetime Mending Era

Venkat Dasai is a human soldier on the plane of Kaladesh, who switched sides from the Consulate to the Renegades, eventually becoming their commander.

Description[ | ]

Venkat is a heavily built, older man with a background as a high-ranking commander of the Consulate guard forces. He wears a brightly polished brass and gold uniform, which adds to his imposing appearance. Despite his formal attire, he carries an impish grin and exhibits a playful demeanor. He has a deep trust in Pia, and she in him, as shown by him keeping the location of her lab secret throughout his years of service. His personality combines elements of loyalty, bravery, and a subtle sense of humor. Venkat supports the renegades' cause and demonstrates a willingness to stand against the oppressive Consulate. His ability to blend seriousness with light-heartedness makes him a valued and trusted companion in their fight for freedom.

History[ | ]

Venkat's dissent against the Consulate's tightening regulations led him to a breaking point, causing him to leave his position and ally with Pia and her renegades. He joined her when they hosted Tamni and several other fresh renegade artificers in forming a squad of thopters. He snuck up on Pia Nalaar and surprised her, and she scolded him mildly. After their plans were set in motion, and everyone scattered, he left Pia to head in a different direction, but when Pia was arrested soon after, she thought Tezzeret was Venkat sneaking up on her again.

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Renegade Prime Mel Li 2016-09-14 Kaladesh Kaladesh Pia Nalaar, Dhiren Baral, Tamni, Venkat Dasai, Nadya, Kari Zev, Viprikti, Dovin Baan, Chandra Nalaar, Liliana Vess, Nissa Revane, Tezzeret, Oviya Pashiri

In-game references[ | ]

Quoted or referred to:

References[ | ]

  1. Mel Li (Sep 14 2016). "Renegade Prime". Wizards of the Coast.