MTG Wiki

Wayne Reynolds
General Information
Born Leeds, United Kingdom
Status Active: Champions of Kamigawa to present
Education/ Training Art college in Dewsbury and Middlesbrough
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artist:"Wayne Reynolds"

Wayne Reynolds is a British Magic: The Gathering artist.

Description[ | ]

Reynolds has produced interior illustrations and cover art for many Dungeons & Dragons books and for Dragon magazine since 1999. He has also done work on British comics, in particular at 2000 AD on stories like Sláine, and Judge Dredd.

Wayne Reynolds started painting for Magic in the original Kamigawa block, and his art has been synonymous with the game ever since.

For Comic-Con 2015 he illustrated the five double-faced planeswalkers from Magic Origins in premium "black-on-black" style.[1]

In 2022, Reynolds's work was highlighted in the April Superdrop 2022 Artist Series: Wayne Reynolds for which he also contributed to the flavor text.[2]

Some notable illustrations[ | ]

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