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Race Human
Birthplace Sun Empire, Ixalan
Lifetime Born c. 11 BD

Wayta is a human warrior of the Sun Empire on Ixalan.

Description[ | ]

Wayta has smooth, tan skin and dark hair.[1] She has brown eyes and muscled arms, wears bracers, and carries a sword in her belt. She lost her left eye in New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse, leaving only scarred skin behind.[2] It is now covered by a metal disk, like an eyepatch.[1] After undergoing the Oltec coming-of-age ritual, she carried a sword with an inset cosmium crystal that extends it into a spear.[3] She was later given Inti's blade, containing his Echo in a cosmium crystal affixed to the pommel, by his cousin Huatli.[4]

The flying dinosaur Ajij is her companion.

History[ | ]

In 2 Dawn Era, when she was no older than thirteen, Wayta met the warrior-poet Huatli, of whom she was a great admirer.[5] She grew up aspiring to be the Empire's next warrior-poet.[6] At the outbreak of New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse two years later, she lied about her age to join the Sun Empire forces in defense of her plane.[2] Serving in Tocatli, she lost her left eye in the war.

Following the Invasion, Wayta joined the Brazen Coalition, sailing with them for a year and raiding across both Torrezon and Ixalan before her faith in the Threefold Sun brought her home. She made friends with Malcolm Lee during her stint there.[2][7]

Settling in Pachatupa at age sixteen or seventeen, she learned of an expedition from Orazca led by the warrior-poet and quickly joined.[6][8][2] Joining Huatli, Quintorius Kand, and nineteen other Sun Empire warriors under Caparocti Sunborn and Inti, she traveled to the plane's core.[1] Together with the Oltec, the warriors battled Aclazotz, Vito and his bat-demons.[3]

Inspiration[ | ]

Wayta is a Quechua word meaning "wildflower."

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
A Question of Confidence Alison Luhrs & Gregg Luben 2017-09-13 Ixalan Kaladesh, Ixalan Huatli, Inti, Wayta, Apatzec Intli III, Angrath, Teyeuh
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 1 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Quintorius Kand, Wayta, Pantlaza, Saheeli Rai, Huatli, Inti, Malcolm Lee, Lank, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Clavileño, Bartolomé del Presidio, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Breeches
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 2 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Wayta, Inti, Caparocti Sunborn, Quintorius Kand, Huatli, Malcolm Lee, Breeches, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Bartolomé del Presidio, Clavileño, Abuelo, Kellan, Pantlaza
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 3 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Wayta, Quintorius Kand, Abuelo, Huatli, Inti, Caparocti Sunborn, Pantlaza, Malcolm Lee, Breeches, Bartolomé del Presidio, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Kellan, Clavileño, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Kutzil, Okinec Ahau, Poq, Nicanzil, Pashona
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 4 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Quintorius Kand, Huatli, Pantlaza, Caparocti Sunborn, Wayta, Nicanzil, Pashona, Clavileño, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Inti, Bartolomé, Abuelo, Malcolm Lee, Breeches, Mycotyrant, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Anim Pakal, Kellan, Akal Pakal
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Episode 5 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Quintorius Kand, Wayta, Akal Pakal, Huatli, Inti, Caparocti Sunborn, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Kellan, Malcolm Lee, Mycotyrant, Breeches, Nicanzil, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Clavileño, Aclazotz, Pantlaza
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Episode 6 Valerie Valdes 2023-10-20 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Ixalan Huatli, Vito Quijano de Pasamonte, Aclazotz, Malcolm Lee, Mycotyrant, Breeches, Quintorius Kand, Abuelo, Wayta, Abuela, Akal Pakal, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Kellan, Caparocti Sunborn, Pantlaza

In-game references[ | ]

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References[ | ]
