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Race Elder Dinosaur
Birthplace Ixalan
Lifetime Mending Era

Zacama, "all calamity,"[1] is a three-headed Elder Dinosaur from Ixalan.

Description[ | ]

Zacama's three heads bellow a tri-tonal roar that unleashes a wall of heat and sound powerful enough to disintegrate nearby beings.[1] Each head boasts a mouth full of human-sized, dagger-shaped teeth.

History[ | ]

The opening of Orazca revealed the enormous elder dinosaurs, which were held in stasis during Orazca's long hibernation in the earth. The three-headed Zacama is a manifestation of white, red, and green mana, a living embodiment of the Threefold Sun.[2]

Zacama was tamed and used as a mount by Huatli.

During New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse, Zacama was the last of the elder dinosaurs to arrive when summoned to Orazca by Huatli, but was ultimately responsible for vanquishing the compleated Etali, tearing off his arm and head.[1]

By 5 Dawn Era, she appears to have had multiple children, who similarly appear as three-headed theropods.[3]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Dinosaurs are called Quetzacama on Ixalan, possibly intended to be translated as "raised by Zacama," as the Nahuatl word quetza translates to "to raise."[1]
  • Huatli stated that "speaking with Zacama was engaging with the soul of the plane itself". This implies that Zacama may be the Worldsoul of Ixalan or a manifestation of it.[1]

Story appearances[ | ]

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Who Tells the Stories Alison Luhrs & Gregg Luben 2018-02-07 Rivals of Ixalan Ixalan Huatli, Tishana, Vona de Iedo, Angrath, Mavren Fein, Malcolm Lee, Breeches, Elenda, Pedron, Zacama, Apatzec Intli III, Inti
Ixalan: Three Hundred Steps Under the Sun Miguel Lopez 2023-03-21 March of the Machine Ixalan Huatli, Inti, Apatzec Intli III, Caparocti Sunborn, Mavren Fein, Etali, Saheeli Rai, Zetalpa, Tetzimoc, Ghalta, Nezahal, Zacama

In-game references[ | ]

Represented in:
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References[ | ]
